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Selected moderations and speeches



  • Moderation of the Policy Session at the International Energy Poverty Action Week, online, 23.02.2023. 

  • Moderation of the EUSEW Policy Session "Accelerating just energy transition(s) in coal and carbon-intensive regions", online, 22.06.2023

  • Session chair at the ECPR, “Accelerating just transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions”, Prague, 04.09.2023.

  • Talk at the ECPR, “​What drives and deters public participation in energy infrastructure developments?”, Prague, 04.09.2023.

  • Poster presentation at the Just Transition Conference, "Shaping just transitions", Brussels, 23.10.2023.

  • Fire pitch at Re-energising Europe conference, "A policy roadmap promoting bioenergy communities in the European Union", Brussels, 24.10.2023.

  • Moderation of the session "Reducing our dependence on natural gas: Improving the energy performance of European households" at the 15th Citizens' Energy Forum, Dublin, 9.11.2023.

  • Talk at Behave 2023,  "How to exchange right? Public engagement in energy infrastructure", Maastricht, 28.11.2023.


  • Talk at the ECPR, “Centralisation or decentralisation? Policy narratives for the future European energy system”, Innsbruck, 24.08.2022 

  • Session chair at the ECPR, “Europeanisation and decentralisation of energy policy in Europe”, Innsbruck, 24.08.2022 

  • Panel debate "Climate change as transatlantic challenge", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Thüringen, Erfurt, 20.04.2022 


  • Panel debate, Euractive, Eadebates, online, “Underlying analysis for EU legislation – do climate models support the commission's policy choices?”, 09.12.2021 

  • Conference Social innovation: next steps in the energy transition, session Co-chair "Policies and institutions for social innovations in renewable energy transitions", 18-19.11.2021

  • Energy Modelling for Europe (EMP-E) conference, session co-chair "Making energy models more relevant for policy-making", online, 26-28.10.2021

  • LMET conference. The Modelling of Energy Transition. Cultures / Visions / Narratives, Talk “What users want from models”, WWU Münster, Münster, 4-6.10.2021

  • 5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5), IPPA, "Models as actors in policymaking: Does energy modelling enable ambitious climate and energy policies?", Barcelona/online, 5-9.07.2021

  • ​Participation at the event "Smart Grids"; talk: “Energiemodelle als "Labore" zur Erkundung von smarten und nachhaltigen Energiesystemen”; organiser:, online, 29.04.2021

  • 5th Energy and Society conference, interactive workshop co-chair "Exploring social storylines and tipping points of the European energy transition", online, 10-12.02.2021


  • Energy Modelling for Europe (EMP-E) conference, "Tackling social drivers and constraints of the energy transition in energy modelling", online, 6-8.11.2020


  • Conference Decarbonization Strategies of the 21st century - German-Israeli Perspectives, "The role of innovation for climate action - experiences from Israel and Germany", Haifa, Israel, 7.11.2019

  • Workshop moderation "Accelerating Cleantech Commercialisation - Key Measures for Impact", organiser, Tel Aviv, Israel, 31.10.2019


  • 4th Energy and Society Conference, "Renewables? Yes Please!': Understanding the facets of community renewable energy", Exeter, UK, 3-5.09.2018


  • Energy Systems Conference, "How to engage people in community renewables? An innovative community concept for an energy transition on the German North Sea Coast", London, UK, 14-15.06.2016


  • International scientific conference Our Common Future Under Climate Change, "Harvesting energy: People's place-based perspective on mitigating climate change with renewable energy technologies", Paris, France, 7-10.07.2015

  • 33rd Annual Conference of the Working Group Geography of and seas and coasts, co-organiser, "Individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change", Hamburg, Germany, 6-9.05.2015


  • YOUMARES 5, chairperson session 2 "Individual Engagement in Environmental Change", presentation "Individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change", Stralsund, Germany, 10-12.09.2014

  • REKLIM international conference Our Climate - Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge, "The interrelationship between individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change" Berlin, Germany, 6-9.10.2014


  • Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Earth System Scientists, co-organiser, chairperson Session V "Uncertainties in environmental impacts, their perception and communication", Hamburg, Germany, 23-25.09.2013

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