Researcher, Advisor,
Speaker, Mentor.

Selected moderations and speeches
Talk with Nathália Fernandes and Ira Shefer at the UsersTCP Academy, "An interactive tool for guiding meaningful public engagement in energy infrastructure projects", online, 13.03.2024.
Moderation of the European Sustainable Energy Days event "Keeping an eye on the transition: are we monitoring our progress?", online, 30.05.2024.
Talk with Ira Shefer and Nathália Fernandes Pimentel at the EnR-UsersTCP workshop, "Getting them all on board: meaningful public engagement to enhance acceptance for large-scale energy infrastructure projects", online, 21.06.2024.
Opening speech at summer academy ACT GREEN! "Grüne Technologien: Lösung für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft?", online, 01.07.2024.
Moderation of the Policy Session at the International Energy Poverty Action Week, online, 23.02.2023.
Moderation of the EUSEW Policy Session "Accelerating just energy transition(s) in coal and carbon-intensive regions", online, 22.06.2023
Session chair at the ECPR, “Accelerating just transitions in coal and carbon-intensive regions”, Prague, 04.09.2023.
Talk at the ECPR, “What drives and deters public participation in energy infrastructure developments?”, Prague, 04.09.2023.
Poster presentation at the Just Transition Conference, "Shaping just transitions", Brussels, 23.10.2023.
Fire pitch at Re-energising Europe conference, "A policy roadmap promoting bioenergy communities in the European Union", Brussels, 24.10.2023.
Moderation of the session "Reducing our dependence on natural gas: Improving the energy performance of European households" at the 15th Citizens' Energy Forum, Dublin, 9.11.2023.
Talk at Behave 2023, "How to exchange right? Public engagement in energy infrastructure", Maastricht, 28.11.2023.
Talk at the ECPR, “Centralisation or decentralisation? Policy narratives for the future European energy system”, Innsbruck, 24.08.2022
Session chair at the ECPR, “Europeanisation and decentralisation of energy policy in Europe”, Innsbruck, 24.08.2022
Panel debate "Climate change as transatlantic challenge", Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Thüringen, Erfurt, 20.04.2022
Panel debate, Euractive, Eadebates, online, “Underlying analysis for EU legislation – do climate models support the commission's policy choices?”, 09.12.2021
Conference Social innovation: next steps in the energy transition, session Co-chair "Policies and institutions for social innovations in renewable energy transitions", 18-19.11.2021
Energy Modelling for Europe (EMP-E) conference, session co-chair "Making energy models more relevant for policy-making", online, 26-28.10.2021
LMET conference. The Modelling of Energy Transition. Cultures / Visions / Narratives, Talk “What users want from models”, WWU Münster, Münster, 4-6.10.2021
5th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP5), IPPA, "Models as actors in policymaking: Does energy modelling enable ambitious climate and energy policies?", Barcelona/online, 5-9.07.2021
Participation at the event "Smart Grids"; talk: “Energiemodelle als "Labore" zur Erkundung von smarten und nachhaltigen Energiesystemen”; organiser:, online, 29.04.2021
5th Energy and Society conference, interactive workshop co-chair "Exploring social storylines and tipping points of the European energy transition", online, 10-12.02.2021

Energy Modelling for Europe (EMP-E) conference, "Tackling social drivers and constraints of the energy transition in energy modelling", online, 6-8.11.2020
Conference Decarbonization Strategies of the 21st century - German-Israeli Perspectives, "The role of innovation for climate action - experiences from Israel and Germany", Haifa, Israel, 7.11.2019
Workshop moderation "Accelerating Cleantech Commercialisation - Key Measures for Impact", organiser, Tel Aviv, Israel, 31.10.2019
4th Energy and Society Conference, "Renewables? Yes Please!': Understanding the facets of community renewable energy", Exeter, UK, 3-5.09.2018
Energy Systems Conference, "How to engage people in community renewables? An innovative community concept for an energy transition on the German North Sea Coast", London, UK, 14-15.06.2016
International scientific conference Our Common Future Under Climate Change, "Harvesting energy: People's place-based perspective on mitigating climate change with renewable energy technologies", Paris, France, 7-10.07.2015
33rd Annual Conference of the Working Group Geography of and seas and coasts, co-organiser, "Individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change", Hamburg, Germany, 6-9.05.2015
YOUMARES 5, chairperson session 2 "Individual Engagement in Environmental Change", presentation "Individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change", Stralsund, Germany, 10-12.09.2014
REKLIM international conference Our Climate - Our Future, Regional perspectives on a global challenge, "The interrelationship between individual and community engagement in dealing with climate change" Berlin, Germany, 6-9.10.2014
Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Earth System Scientists, co-organiser, chairperson Session V "Uncertainties in environmental impacts, their perception and communication", Hamburg, Germany, 23-25.09.2013